"We have expanded our right to live on the earth to an entitlement to conquer the earth, yet conquerors of nature always lose. To accumulate wealth, power, or land beyond one’s needs in a limited world is to be truly immoral, be it as an individual, an institution, or a nation state… it is our children’s world which is being destroyed. It is therefore our only possible decision to withhold support for destructive systems, and to cease to invest our lives in our own annihilation. Cooperation, not competition, is the very basis of existing life systems and of future survival."
– Bill Mollison, from Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual
Realistically it boils down to intention and being aware of the back-story of the things we consume. Doing what we can is enough, judging ourselves and others will inevitably lead to negative spirals. Being realistic, forgiving and non judgmental provides us with the opportunity to be more joyful and free and leads to a much more fullfiling life.
When asked about this subject my answer generally is: to have a clear long term goal and high aspirations is important. Then, take responsibility, do what is realistic and take positive steps in the most beneficial direction in the short term. In my opinion the truth is that alone will have a positive impact and the ripples of that are bigger than you think.
Consistent positive small actions, small and slow solutions add up. So we can give ourselves and others a break, abandon words like good, bad, right and wrong. Changing ourselves changes others. Leading by example, supporting and encouraging solutions, celebrating success and sharing our challenges and failures is empowering, rewarding and creates a positive vibration. Actions speak louder than words, especially if the actions are done with joy and a sense of humor.
Matt.P 09.01.2017